Gli antichi egizi avevano un elaborato insieme di pratiche funerarie che credevano necessarie per assicurare la loro immortalità dopo la morte. Un fattore particolarmente importante di questi funerali erano i vestiti e gli accessori che il defunto aveva addosso. Grazie al clima caldo e all'aridità del suolo, gli oggetti erano ben conservati e non marcivano come farebbero in condizioni più umide.
A differenza di altre culture dell'epoca, che usavano semplicemente un unico grande pezzo di tessuto avvolto intorno al corpo, i vestiti egiziani erano fatti con pezzi cuciti a mano singolarmente.
Gli uomini della classe operaia indossavano un semplice kilt corto, noto come perizoma, mentre molti uomini di alto rango amavano indossare il perizoma (Kilt corto) fatto di lino fine plissettato o gonne lunghe fino alle caviglie con maniche.
Gli egiziani indossavano anche gioielli, si radevano la testa e portavano le ali.
The Ancient Egypt
Egypt originally came from the area around what we today call Ethiopia and the land of the Nile valley. Egyptian culture has been a source of inspiration for art and architecture throughout the centuries, and Egyptian costumes have particularly inspired a vast amount of famous and very well-known Hollywood movies.
We have discovered most, if not all the Egyptian costumes and styles from the mural paintings and the great amounts of burial sites. The ancient Egyptians had an elaborate set of funerary practices that they believed were necessary to ensure their immortality after death.
A particularly important factor of these funerals were the clothes and accessories which the deceased had on them. Thanks to the hot climate and dryness of soil, the items were well preserved and would not rot as they would in damper conditions.
The ancient Egyptian clothes were specially
produced to keep people cool while in the hot desert climate. Taking perspective
of both the beauty and the comfort, they utilized linen, which was the most
used textile, for its light and soft quality. However, it is important to consider
that the type and quality of linen depended upon how rich the person owning it
Working-class men wore a plain short kilt, known
as loincloth, while many high-ranking men liked to wear loincloth
(short Kilt) made of fine pleated linen or ankle-length skirts with sleeves.
Women’s clothes were more like a dress, made with high quality linen, and either one or two shoulders covered. Ladies wrapped ankle-length gowns of see-through pleated linen around their bodies and tied them high at the waist. Both women and men wore sandals, made in leather for rich people and with woven grass for poorer people.
Egyptians also wore jewellery and used to shave their heads and wear wings.
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